IMF Smetanova Litomyšl

For more than sixty years, since 1949, the ancient East Bohemia city of Olomouc, the birthplace of Bedřich Smetana, founder of the Czech national music, provides the venue of grand music festival. Its main programme stream comprises not only opera productions and concert staging of operas as well as gala-concerts, oratorios, cantatas and soirées with songs, […]

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 Pardubice Music Spring

Already since 1978 the International Festival Pardubice Music Spring has been a major cultural event of the East Bohemia area. Commencing 2013 the festival is hosted by non-profit organisation “Barocco sempre giovane” which aims to promote lasting cultural values and make them available to the broadest audience. The festival offers music of all period styles […]

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 IMF Prague Spring

Festival History For more than seventy years of its activity (established in spring of 1946) the Prague Spring International Music established itself as one of the most respected classical music festivals in the world. It was Rafael Kubelík, the great Czech conductor and artistic director of the Czech Philharmonic, who stand at the cradle of […]

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 IMF Harmonia Moraviae

Starting from its fifth year the Harmonia Moraviae International Music Festival takes place every year in September and October, before the Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra commences its concert season. This is the orchestra which host this music event along with the Zlín Region and the Statutory City of Zlín. The festival was established in 1999 […]

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 Czech culture festivities

This cycle of festivals, held in cooperation with Czech Culture s.o., takes place regularly under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. The Czech Culture Festivities as the essence of the Czech nation’s spiritual values, represented by prominent Czech and international artists, originated in 2002 through integration of leading Czech festivals, […]

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 IMF Český Krumlov

Tradition of the International Music Festival Český Krumlov dates back to 1992. Thanks to its revelatory dramaturgy as well as participation of renowned performers the festival earned the prominent position among the festivals of classical music and became permanent element of the European calendar of music events. The names of artists who took part in […]

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 Smetanovské dny festival

For more than 30 years the international interdisciplinary SMETANA DAYS FESTIVAL ranks among the most significant cultural events in Pilsen; it represents traditions as well as the certainty that there are still eternal values one can lean on. For lovers of music and art as such, every year the festival brings the true feast of remarkable […]

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 MF L. van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven Music Festival Teplice was founded in 1964 in honour of the artist´s stay in Teplice Spa in 1811 and 1812. The festival originated in the former Ludwig van Beethoven Days which were organised in Teplice from 1951, as part of the Summer Concert Season. Statutory City of Teplice has entrusted hosting of […]

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 MF A. Dvořák Příbram

The Antonín Dvořák Music Festival can boast of a long tradition during which its organisers have managed to establish its position among top class cultural events of first-rate importance at its venues. It emerged in 1969 from the initiative of the Antonín Dvořák Society and the District Cultural Centre in Příbram. In 2015 the festival was […]

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 IMF Dvořák Prague

From the very beginning the main goal of the Dvořák Prague International Music Festival has been to promote the good name of Czech culture via the legacy of the works of Antonín Dvořák, his contemporaries, and his pupils. And because the sole measure of the festival’s success is quality, only topflight soloists and conductors and […]

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